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PART ONE  I have a story to tell


"Then it comes all at once: a woman on a beach, a tree, a wind that calms, a rain that cleanses but does not wet. My memories are nothing but looped reruns I cannot change. But this one memory is different."



Why do memories hide and then come back all at once? Why is the quality of this memory different for Vishesh than all his other memories? How do we describe something that we never experienced before? What do we have to compare it to? 


"Change is coming. My name is Sat. You better listen. The trees, the stars, the sky, the ocean. It isn't just me talking."



Sat means truth. What sort of truth does the boy called Sat speak? How does his truth differ from that of Patel?


Others in the book talk about the coming change. The nightingale tells the other birds to "wake up, change is coming." How is Sat like the nightingale, the bird that Vishesh aspires to be?

"Patel was wise, without doubt. I had seen the way he touched the ground before the temple gate as he passed each day. It seemed that Patel knew the Gods, or at least their ways. If not in actual conversation with Krishna and Rama, maybe he might have their ear."



What does Vishesh see in Patel, an uneducated street seller? What is the nature of Patel's wisdom and what advise does he give Vishesh?


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© 2017 Richard Payment

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