We all should have love for each other
and we should have understanding.
Love is the biggest boon
on human beings.
Only human beings know how to love, nobody else. Animals also love, but their love is so limited. But human beings, their love is so beautiful. They look beautiful only when they love.
So I have to tell you not to make cheap, love but a love that you will enjoy and that another person will also enjoy. It is something to be understood.
The way people understand love is sometimes very ridiculous. So one has to first understand what is love and also to understand whether you love or not.
If you really love the world, if you really love this creation of God, then there should be no hatred. There should be no fights, but just to see the good points. As a mother would see her child, you should see the whole world as a beautiful piece that God has created for you.
This subject is so lengthy that I can talk to you for hours. But I have to just say that if you can understand a little bit of it, it is this: we all should have love for each other and we should have understanding.
Look at the small children they love each other they have not learned yet how to hate. But if the children are not brought up well, they can hate each other, they can be very ridiculously funny and so many countries today are like that. They are just fighting because they do not love.
Now, so Sahaja Yogis have a much greater job, much greater life that they have to show that love is a very great thing. It does not matter whether you are Hindu, Christian, this, that nonsense. You are all human beings and we have a right to love. And if you manage somehow to love people, I tell you Sahaja Yoga will settle down.
Sahaja Yoga is like a tree which requires love as the water. Try this. Try around your life and you will find that how love bases itself, not to be seen by how much you spend or what you do. It is not that you count all those things, it is just like a ocean floats everything around, you become like that a typical personality of Sahaja Yoga.
So all the Sahaja Yogis must decide today that we are going to forgive all the people we hate and we are going to love all of them. Let us see if it works out. I am sure it will work out because, first of all, you are all realized souls and, secondly, love is the biggest, biggest boon on human beings, which, if utilized, there will be no problem of any kind.