Earlier this year, The Divine Cool Breeze published a series of eight books.
The idea was to find several public domain titles which could be freely reprinted and to include an introduction in each to put the book in a Sahaj setting. This might be Shri Mataji's words about the book, the author or the subject, or something to express our understanding of the book and its importance to Sahaja Yogis.
The result was these eight books:
Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore
Songs of Kabir translated by Rabindranath Tagore
Tales of Jesus: The Secret Gospels
The Sayings of Confucius
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu
The Pathway of Life by Leo Tolstoy
The Aquarian Gospel in two volumes, with the third yet to be released
The books are offered in an attractive, but inexpensive paperback format.
More information and buying links can be found at The Divine Cool Breeze website.
My question to you now is this: What other titles can we add to this series? What books or authors would you like to see included?
Remember, the books and their translation have to be the public domain, outside of copyright restrictions.