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Fiction is story-telling. We can all tell a story.
But when it is well done, it is the truth, purer and sweeter, more genuine and moving, closer to the source spring than non-fiction can ever be. Non-fiction is limited and contained. By definition, it is not-fiction, less than.
Fiction is writing at its finest. It is knowing all the rules. And then breaking them. One by one. And then doing it again. With confidence.
Fiction is our inner voice speaking to us. It is our truer Self without constraint or paradox or irony or rhetoric or calculation. That is true fiction — without any motive — except that of discovery.
Non-fiction is a steamship measuring the depths in fathoms, the currents in knots, mapping and recording every minute change. Fiction is a sailing schooner heading for an distant shore, tacking into an unknown breeze, trolling for truth with metaphors and allusions.
And what is Sahaj Fiction? That is something else again. Sahaj Fiction is the search for the essence, the nectar of words that will nurture our spirit. It is our better self, our inner self, our truest Self speaking, using vocabulary and punctuation and grammar and story — all the crude, rough-and-tumble limitations of language — and then utilizing all that dead weight of commas, all the anchor chains of sentence and paragraph in the effort to take flight. It is the fantastic made real, a hot air balloon untethered.
We are the Wright Brothers praying of just another twenty-nine seconds in the air. We are Galileo squinting through thick-hewn telescope glass, half-imagining, half-hoping what we might see and then understanding the implication of those tiny points of light. We are Einsteins dreaming in the patent office. Our laboratories are within. We are Magellans circumnavigating the globe, completing a circle and knowing that we will meet ourselves at the end of the voyage. We are conveyor-belted factory workers handcrafting tomorrows on an assembly line of love.
Sahaj Fiction is simple. It is direct. It is both visionary and spontaneous. It is at one moment close to home, forever now. And it is in the next instant soaring with vision, with wisdom and innocence, riding high a jet stream of poetry. And it is always done in the company of divine delight.
Sahaj Fiction is enlightened. It is so many things, but always, always, when done right, it is good. Good for the Spirit.
If the essence is not tackled, then it is all artificial. The essence is good for the spirit, saheetya. In Sanskrit and in every Indian language, the literature is called as saheetya. Heet means "good for the spirit," the one who has that essence which is good for the spirit. Otherwise, it is not literature.
we are Einsteins dreaming in
the patent office
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