We are Sahaj Writers, Sages of Saheetya.
Saheetya cannot be read. It is a detached witness.
It is the Great Sage that tells the story. It is the voice of Truth,
the one that praises all that is Goodness. It is the melody of our inspirations,
and the syllables of our beating heart.
In its left hand, it holds the Sacred Words:
"Twam Vang-Mayas, Twam Chin-Mayah"
In its right, it holds the One Word that is Bhakti.
The Mother of the Universe,
Has given Her children this Wisdom.
It is the Great Sage that tells the story. That is Saheetya.
Just as Shri Narada,
Told unto Valmiki, the Son of Saraswati
The Epic of the Ramayan,
The Power of Mahasaraswati sings to you
The Poem, the Word, the Story that is true.
As Sahaj writers, we have a role.
We are the Sages, just as
The Great Soul Valmiki.
And when Narad sings of His Lord
Upon our doorsteps.
May we heed His singing.
May we open the door.

Thank you for writing this. May all the blessings be upon you.