In the past few weeks and months, I have found more and more that I am under a constant state of bombarded by a never ending flow of ideas and inspirations. Small snapshots of larger stories. Little interactions which when placed in the larger framework of a novel would be so much more. In addition to these small inspirations I find that often throughout the day I get ideas for worlds or entire stories, which is great and amazing. It's just that I am not sure where to go from there. I have a strong desire to explore these inspirations but I am not sure where to start. Do I sit down and brainstorm ideas about these worlds? Should I just start writing and see where that takes me? Does anyone on here have any advice for where I should direct my actions? Any help I would greatly appreciate. :)
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Raghava, since all of the above, I keep looking for your writing ... here is another idea: try writing about sounds heard in childhood. It is just an excercise but can lead you to a rich source. Or pick any element - air, water etc and focus on that to ground the thoughts.
- Lyndal :)