The Voice of Our Mother comes like a conch, echoing through the field of the soul: "You, my son," She says "Have written for saints for so many years. Today, you sit down now. You write. Write for your country that needs you." And thus, this Ballad of "Amerigo" shall be born, and it will have the vision of America lifted from delusion. The Little Poet bows to Shri Ganapati as these words flow from the pen of Divine Vision. This is the first verse. Welcome, Amerigo!:
From a waterfall, comes Amerigo,
With stick of walking & heart of Rivers.
He steps from waterfall to the world,
Where Heaven casts Her hold around him.
Cloud as his cloak, breeze as his breath,
Wondrous Amerigo! The soul of depth.
Where will you go, Amerigo?
Your pack is great & heavy.
"I go where my soul leads Me," he said,
"I go where my soul is led."
And he goes between the towering pines
And the hills, valleys & streams
To see the sight Divine
To which his soul tirelessly leads.
Kindling light within his eyes,
Joy forever in his sight,
I watch him go, Amerigo,
Carried by the hue of dreams.
I watch him go, Amerigo,
To where his soul tirelessly leads.
Amerigo - named after Amerigo Vespucci, the namesake of America.

View of Fort Putnam, Thomas Cole, 1824-25
Amerigo Vespucci was a map-maker. He wrote his name on one of his maps. People mistook the signature or credit as a label naming one of the lands.
Rishi Nair is also a map-maker. Let us follow his directions to the New World.