Written amidst the shimmering dawn, when the Union of the Spirit shines forth from our hearts. And like the Great Eagle's wings, we rise to meet it. O, Sages of Sahitya, we go beyond
the crowns of mountains, the rushing of seas, to meet our Guru whose Form is above the sunlight and the sky. We rise together, we ascend together, we bow together. Praise: Light is endless! Aum Satyam Eva Jayate
The Goddess of All, upon Her Throne
Rests the fountain of glory.
Her Dias with jewels of starlight shine
In hues of gold & pale.
The Columbia, Ganga, Thames, and Rhine
Recite the Name of their Mother "Prevail!"
Once, beyond the binds of Time,
She spoke as a season's gale.
Harking, the Court of Her Children:
"I am, with wind-swept flowers, anointed,
With My Children as My jewels.
The Sun of surrender brightens
Shards of My Crown's radiance.
The Moon of devotion spins
Silver into My Sari, valiant.
To My Feet the stars fall
Submerged in the sacred rivers
Of Truth & Wisdom flowing
From the foothills of My Forms.
"My garland is the Garland of Saints
Specked with Autumn rains.
Greatness Himself is the coronation of My Being
With the voices of Eternal Victory.
My Eyes are alight with the drops of Spring,
And the Universe clothes Me.
"Yet, O Children,
In My Heart is the Creation
Placed before His Eternal Bliss.
Jai Niranand, Jai Paramanandaa!
Ornament of My Heart, Pervading!"
