Hi all. I am an academic. I study how people's thoughts and feelings affect their bodies. Sometimes I look at the stress response. Sometimes I look at brain activity associated with self-control. One of my main areas of research examines something called physiological synchrony. Physiological synchrony is when two or more people sharing a social experience exhibit mutual, simultaneous changes in physical arousal. Physiological synchrony predicts a number of interesting psychological and behavioral outcomes, including friendship interest and rapport. Physiological synchrony is something that I have looked at in the context of collective meditations and the preliminary findings are quite exciting (yes, the autonomic nervous systems of Sahaja Yogis synchronize during collective meditations!) Like everyone else here, I am constantly striving to improve my writing. My impression is that this is a forum for creative writing. However, I find constructive criticism one of the best ways to develop as a writer. As such, I had hoped people might be willing and interested in providing thoughtful feedback on some of my manuscripts. Please leave comments if this is something that you, as a member of the community, would be willing to help with. If not, that is okay too. Much love!
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