WHEN: Saturday 19 January 1985
WHERE: Shri Krishna Puja, Nasik Maharashtra India
WHY: Shri Mataji announces the Universal Nirmala Religion, Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, and the term Nirmalite.
QUOTE: At this time the incarnation being Nirmala, I thought we can call it "The Religion which is Universal in the name of Nirmala." So to make it short, I thought we can call it "Universal Nirmala Religion." What do you say to that?
Now Nirmala – you will be all called as "Nirmalites." It is the one who have been enlightened by Nirmala.... The word light goes very well with you people because you are enlightened.... So we have now proclaimed and pronounced that this is a religion which is a pure universal religion. When you say Universal Nirmala, it means pure or immaculate religion. And I hope you are agreeable to that.

photograph is not from this event
WHEN: Sunday 8 June 1980
WHERE: Dollis Hill ashram London United Kingdom
WHY: Shri Mataji speaks of the subtlety and calibre of different kinds of human beings.
QUOTE: What is the difference between God and God's desire? What is the difference between the sun and sunlight? What is the difference between moon and moonlight? What is the difference between the word and the meaning...? The best way is to understand My love. Through that, you will understand Me better. It is much easier to understand Me through your heart than through your brains.

WHEN: Sunday 2 December 1979
WHERE: Dollis Hill ashram London United Kingdom
WHY: Shri Mataji says who She is.
QUOTE: Today is the day I declare that I am the One who has to save the humanity. I declare I am the One who is Adi Shakti, who is the Mother of all the Mothers, who is the Primordial Mother, the Shakti, the desire of God, who has incarnated on this Earth to give its meaning to itself, to this creation, to human beings. And I am sure through My love and patience and My powers, I am going to achieve it. I was the one who was born again and again, but now in My complete form and complete powers, I have come on this Earth, not only for salvation of human beings, not only for their emancipation, but for granting them, the Kingdom of Heaven, the joy, the bliss, that your Father wants to bestow upon you. These words are to be kept within the bounds of Sahaja Yogis only for the time being.

Hounslow 1984 (not this event)
WHEN: Saturday 11 August 1984
WHERE: Hounslow ashram, Hounslow London United Kingdom
WHY: Shri Mataji explains the brother-sister and other relationships in Sahaja Yoga.
QUOTE: The whole idea of this maryada is such that when you have called somebody as a sister or a brother then it is not only lip service, "You are my sister." It is something innate and very deep. You have to develop that feeling of a sister. Because that is how your sublimity will go up, your left Visshuddhi will improve, your Vishnumaya will be satisfied.... Try to be kind and gentle with the person whom you call the sister. Stand by her. Look after her. If there is somebody you call your brother, you have to pray for his protection, then you must know that you have a right to ask him for his protection also. But you must also give something to him and you must try to look after him, welcome him to your house and treat him as a part and parcel of your being because he is very much near to you because he is your brother and he is very much closer to you.
WHEN: Sunday 4 August 1991
WHERE: Deinze Belgium
WHY: Shri Mataji talks about Shri Buddha, desire and collectivity.
QUOTE: Buddha has said, "Buddham sharanam gacchami." First I surrender myself to my Self Realization. Then He said, "Dhammam sharanam gacchami " which means the dharma in me, I myself surrender to that dharma. That is spirituality. And thirdly He said, "Sangham sharanam gacchami." Sangha means collectivity, I surrender myself to the collectivity.... How lucky you are that you are all realized souls. So for our banyan tree, it is the collectivity. We have to make ourselves subtler beings, to be one with the collective and that is very enjoyable, very beautiful.

WHEN: Monday 26 May 1980
WHERE: Dollis Hill ashram London United Kingdom
WHY: Shri Mataji explains the importance of attention.
QUOTE: Today I am going to talk to you about attention, what is attention, what is the movement of attention and what are the ways and methods of raising our attention.... The attention that you have is the only way to know the reality. Your own attention is important, not the attention of others or your attention on others.
photograph is not from this event

WHEN: Saturday 14 October 1978
WHERE: Easthampstead Park London United Kingdom
WHY: The first Sahaja Yga seminar in the West at which Shri Mataji gives the sounds of the Kundalini as it rises through each chakra.
QUOTE: When the Kundalini rises it makes sounds. And the sounds that are heard in the different chakras can be pronounced in the following way. These pronunciations are being used in the phonetic language of Devanagari, which means the language spoken by the Devas.
photograph is not from this event