WHEN: Saturday 10 July 1982
WHERE: Guildhall Derby United Kingdom
WHY: At this public program, Shri Mataji explains the nature of seeking.
QUOTE: We have seekers in the modern times. It is something very unique. We never had seekers before, at least not so many. There used to be people who would seek money, as there are many who are seeking these days, who would seek, countries after countries, the power. There were many who were seeking these few pearls of bliss of God, very few. The reason was the awareness. The collective awareness of human beings did not think themselves perhaps capable or perhaps needing some seeking.
WHEN: Tuesday 8 July 1986
WHERE: ORF Radio Vienna Austria
WHY: In this interview Shri Mataji tells us about Her early life.
QUOTE: At the age of seven years, I happened to go with My Father to Mahatma Gandhi.... Gandhi liked Me very much and he said, "Leave the child with me...." I was a little girl, but he understood that there was something about me. He consulted me on very serious problems, sometimes surprisingly, like one day he wanted to make the prayer book all right. So he asked me, "How should I put the series?" and all that. So I told him how to put the series and he put the series in that way. I used to go back for my school and again go back to Gandhiji every year like that. And he called me Nepali, gave me a name, Nepali. Everybody used to call Me Nepali that time.

photograph is not from this event
WHEN: Wednesday 9 July 1986
WHERE: Meli ashram Vienna Austria
WHY: Shri Mataji tells us about children.
QUOTE: You give them love, but also tell them to respect – respect you, respect elders, respect Mataji, respect everything, like that. Respect is to be taught at that age. Once they start doing namaste, once they start saying "good morning" at that age – little, little things, you see – and you sort of reward them for that and say, "Oh, very nice, say good morning." Then you can give a kiss for that. Then they understand this is something good is happening. That is the most impressionable age as far as the respect and the nobler feelings to be developed.... The child becomes everybody's property, not your property. Then the child starts developing that collectivity and also the Mooladhara improves at that time.
WHEN: Saturday 31 July 1982
WHERE: Cowley Manor seminar Cheltenham United Kingdom
WHY: Shri Mataji explains the importance of recognition and dedication.
QUOTE: So many people ask Me that, "Once we have got Realization, how is it, Mother, we go down?" The only reason is the dedication is not complete. It is that complete reverence and complete dedication has been not established. You still do not know that I am Divine. To that extent as you should. I do not say all of you, but still if you look into your heart and look into your mind, you will find out that complete devotion that you had for say Christ or for Krishna or for any one of those who have been, is not there.
WHEN: Sunday 11 August 1991
WHERE: Shri Adi Kundalini Puja Weilburg Germany
WHY: Shri Mataji explains the mechanics of Kundalini.
QUOTE: It is important to know that our Kundalini is awakened. That is the pure desire. That is the pure Mother of ours. Each one has got a separate mother, an individual mother.... Her awareness about us is different, but, in Her function, in Her methods, She is just the same in everyone. She knows about Me. She knows about you.... She knows you very well out and out. Remember this. You cannot cheat Her.
WHEN: Saturday 31 July 1982
WHERE: Cowley Manor seminar Cheltenham United Kingdom
WHY: Shri Mataji explains the importance of recognition and dedication.
QUOTE: So many people ask Me that, "Once we have got Realization, how is it, Mother, we go down?" The only reason is the dedication is not complete. It is that complete reverence and complete dedication has been not established. You still do not know that I am Divine. To that extent as you should. I do not say all of you, but still if you look into your heart and look into your mind, you will find out that complete devotion that you had for say Christ or for Krishna or for any one of those who have been, is not there.
WHEN: The evening before Sahasrara Puja, Saturday 4 May 1985
WHERE: Laxenburg Austria
WHY: Shri Mataji talks at length about surrender and very strongly about what it means to be a Sahaja Yogi, leaving us with a clear picture of that to which we should aspire.
QUOTE: At this time, in this place, we have to turn our face to all that was the past and ascend into the new realm of bliss and joy. I assure you that with your dedication, it will work out.... Now you are grown up people, you have to become responsible for this Maha Yoga and for this great dharma that we have established. The dharma that integrates all the dharmas, the dharma that purifies anybody who comes near them. It is the ocean of all the rivers. All the rivers flow to this great ocean of Vishwa Dharma. So we have to mould ourselves to be fit into the new pattern, the new rhythms, the new music of the divine flute.